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Consumer Preferences for Retail Stores: A Stu...

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Consumer Preferences for Retail Stores: A Stu...

Consumer Preferences for Retail Stores: A Study of Selected Shopping Malls In Gurgaon

Author Name : Dr. Nidhi Turan

ABSTRACT Retailing is here construed to mean the sale of goods or merchandise for private or household consumption. It may be a hard and fast location like a emporium or kiosk, or faraway from such location with related subordinated services. The present paper is an attempt to bring out the efforts of retailers towards customers’ retention by way of loyalty programmes, and to ascertain customers’ viewpoints about around the clock opening of malls and factors affecting the department stores as a shopping destination. The study reveals that the department stores are getting increasingly popular therein there's gradual increase within the walk-ins and therefore the conversion rates. A majority of the retail shops have quite 75 walk-ins per day. Further it's also revealed by the study that the conversion rate is additionally very high within the case of the bulk of the retail stores.