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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Yoga during Garbha Masanumasik Vrudhi

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Yoga during Garbha Masanumasik Vrudhi

Yoga during Garbha Masanumasik Vrudhi

Author Name : Dr. Priyanka U. Dolhare, Dr. Mayur K. Jain


In Ayurveda, Yoga forms an important part. Ayurvedacharya’s have strong knowledge in embryological growth and foetal development. They have advised dos and don’ts of pregnant women.

Increased psychological burden during pregnancy can cause problems with the quality of the foetus and cause complications in pregnancy. One alternative therapy needed in dealing with a happy pregnancy and minimal trauma delivery is to do prenatal yoga. The Yoga mentioned by Aacharyas are all beneficial among pregnant women. Yoga is used for a variety of immunological, neuromuscular, psychological, and pain conditions. Recent studies indicate that it may be effective in improving pregnancy, labour, and birth outcomes.

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the existing literature on yoga for pregnancy, reviews about the types of Asanas beneficial for women in all the stages of pregnancy and to make recommendations for the direction of future research.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Yoga, Asanas, Pregnancy, Pregnancy outcome.