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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Developing the University Skills Course Book ...

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Developing the University Skills Course Book ...

Developing the University Skills Course Book at King Saud University According to a Proposed Model Based on Educational Competencies in the light of UNESCO Framework

Author Name : Dr. Badr Mubarak Alzannan


The development of university skills is crucial for a student's ability to learn and get through the challenges they may encounter when they first start their studies. This research aims to develop the university skills course book at King Saud University according to a proposed model based on educational competencies in the light of UNESCO Framework in the city of Riyadh. The research concluded that the proposed model based on educational competencies can contribute to the development of the university skills book according to the skills of the twenty-first century, and based on the findings of the research, the researcher recommends applying the proposed model based on educational competencies; to improve the learning environment, increasing their educational achievement, improving their attitudes towards learning the course among learners, and expanding its application to various educational purposes such as training to master certain skills, and not only applying it on the cognitive side.

Key Word: The proposed model; educational competencies; development; university skills course, the common first year.