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ISSN: 2455-6211

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IJARESM Conference March 2022

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IJARESM Conference March 2022
IJARESM Conference Publication

IJARESM Conference March 2022

Posted Date : 07th Mar, 2022

Call For Papers : LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra One Day Conference on 26 March, 2022.

LokSanvad Foundation Aurangabad One Day Conference, March 26, 2022 :


The main objectives of the issue will be:

  • Promotion of national / international, comparative and global care research ugc, advocacy, law reform and policy initiatives on women and child rights, social reforms;
  • Opening up a global ugc paper publication discussion on ‘children, social development and ugc certified governance’ from a child rights perspective;
  • Research ethics, advocacy, education and policy engagement on women and child right;
  • To bring together ugc care researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss problems, disseminate learning, and share international lessons – learned, existing policy ijaresm education & scientific research, and studies on various seminar conference related to social protection schemes which, in particular, impact women and children.