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A Comparative Study to Assess Adjustment Prob...

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A Comparative Study to Assess Adjustment Prob...

A Comparative Study to Assess Adjustment Problems among Undergraduate First-year Students

Author Name : Papri Manna


Present study aimed at identifying several adjustment problems faced by undergraduate first-year college going students. The five dimensions of adjustment i.e. Home, Health, Social, Emotional & Educational were studied across two sexes i.e. Boys and Girls. A sample of 600 students (300 Boys and 300 Girls) was selected by using multistage stratified random sampling technique from various colleges affiliated under Calcutta University. Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AICS) developed by Dr. A.K.P. Sinha& Dr. R.P. Singh (1992) was administered. The statistical analysis was done using Mean, S.D. & Z-scores to find out the significant difference between two sexes across different domains of adjustment. The findings revealed that the male and female students differ significantly in their health & emotional adjustment. However, the two groups showed no significant difference regarding home, social and educational adjustment. This research creates awareness regarding different problems in various domains of adjustment and its critical evaluation can help to design appropriate intervention programs.


Keywords: Adjustment, Emerging Adult Students, Gender.