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A Critical Review of Goghrita in Today’s Er...

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A Critical Review of Goghrita in Today’s Er...

A Critical Review of Goghrita in Today’s Era

Author Name : Mahajan Madhavi, Parauha Saurabh, Vyawahare Swapnil Sunil


Ghrita is one of the most popular traditional dairy products in India. Since Vedic era, it has been used for religious rites, cooking, cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Ghrita can be used both externally ( lepa, tarpana etc.) and internally (medicinally). There are four types of Sneha described in Ayurveda, out of them Ghrita is the best. Ayurveda describes eight kind of Ghrita which are obtained from milk of eight different animals. Among all, ghrita which is obtained from milk of cow( Goghrita ) is considered best.

Goghrita promotes memory, intelligence, agni, semen, ojas, kapha, and medas; alleviates Vata, Pitta, poison, insanity, pthisis, inauspiciousness and fever. It is best of all fats, is cold, madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, if used properly according to prescribed methods, and exerts thousand types of action. It act as Rasayan, Vrishya, Agnivardhaka, Vayasthapaka, Unmadahara , Tridoshashamaka, increases Rasa, increases vision improves memory and gives a glowing skin. It is satmya for every person from their childhood. It is also used in both Shodhana and Shaman treatment.

Key Words: Ghrita, Goghrita, Ayurveda, Cow’s ghee