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A Major Issue of Water Logging and Salinity: ...

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A Major Issue of Water Logging and Salinity: ...

A Major Issue of Water Logging and Salinity: A Case Study of Rohtak District, Haryana

Author Name : Gulab, Dr. Mehtab Singh, Dr. Suresh Kumar


The problem of water logging and salinity has reached at alarming proportion. Water logging and salinity is a major hazard to agriculture and water resources, restricting food production in manycountries of the world. In India, Water logging and salinity is a problem that generally occurs in the arid, semiarid regions and canal command areas. According to Haryana Kisan Ayog, Hisar (2010),“The water logging and salinity is a serious problem in the Haryana state. Many district of the state area highly affected by this problem.” According to Ayog report that Rohtak, Jhajjar and Hisar district are highly affected.

The study area is Rohtak district. The study is based on secondary data. In this study geospatial technology has been used for analysis and mapping. Landsat TM satellite data has been used to analyze the problem. The toposheet of study area has been used to create a base map for research. GIS software has been used for map preparation. Changes in water logging and salinity are demonstrated by maps, charts, and diagrams.

Key Words: Water Logging, Salinity, Change, Image.