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Analysis of Gender Perception of investors To...

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Analysis of Gender Perception of investors To...

Analysis of Gender Perception of investors Towards various Factors related to Mutual Funds

Author Name : Renu Beniwal

ABSTRACT Mutual fund investment is less risky than investing directly in stocks and is therefore a safer option for risk averse investor. A competent fund manager should analyze investor behavior, perception, and attitude and understand their needs and expectations to gear up the performance to meet investor expectations and requirements. Investment in mutual fund is affected by the attitude of investors. The objective of the study is to Analyze gender perception towards mutual funds regarding various variables such as risk, return, diversification, safety, liquidity. The paper finds that64 per cent of the male respondents are strongly least influenced with the return factor, whereas 36 per cent of the female respondents are strongly least influenced with the return factor.82.35 are strongly influenced by the safety factor, whereas 17.64 percent female are strongly influenced by the safety factor.