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Awareness Regarding Risk Factors of Hypertens...

Awareness Regarding Risk Factors of Hypertension among Adolescents at MMINSR SKIMS Soura

Author Name : Bisma Manzoor, Mohd Ayub Dar, Suby Annu, Waqar Khan, Ishrat Yaqoob, Mubeena Akhter, Arshid Bashir, Zahida Bano, Romana Yousuf, Romesa Manzoor





Background: Non communicable diseases (NCD’s) are a group of diseases that are on the rise in both developing and developed countries. The prevalence of hypertension among adolescents comprise 21% of India’s population. The study was conducted with the aim of assessing awareness regarding risk factors of hypertension among adolescents.

Materials and Methods: The present study was a descriptive study conducted on 80 adolescents selected by non probability purposive sampling at MMINSR SKIMS Soura. Data collection tool was self structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed by Microsoft excel and SPSS version 26 using descriptive and analytical statistical tests (Chi square) at 0.05 level of significance.

Results: Maximum number of study subjects  (52.5%) were males, majority of the study subjects (77.5%) were residing in rural area, maximum number of the study subjects (68.8%) had information from books while as 1.3%, 23.8%, and 6.3% had information from journals, internet and other respectively, maximum number of the study subjects (68.8%) were not having family history of hypertension. The (Mean±SD) awareness score of study subjects was (29.04±4.141). The findings of the present study showed that among the total sample (n=80), majority of the study subjects ( 72.5%) had good awareness (level ≥50%) and 27.5% of the study subjects had poor awareness (level ≤50%) regarding risk factors of hypertension. There was no significant association of risk factors of hypertension with the selected demographic/clinical variables like gender (p=0.821), place of residence (p=0.976), source of information (p=0.790), family history of hypertension (p=0.120).

Conclusion: The study concluded that the study subjects (72.5%) possess good awareness regarding risk factors of hypertension indicating that adolescents undergoing professional courses are well aware about the risk factors of hypertension and no significant association was found for the selected demographic/clinical variables.

Key words: Hypertension, risk factors, awareness, adolescents.