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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Behaviour and Retrofitting of Beam-Column Joi...

Behaviour and Retrofitting of Beam-Column Joint under Seismic Loading

Author Name : Pawan Kumar

ABSTRACT This paper proposes a rapid rehabilitation scheme for repairing moderately damaged reinforced concrete (RC) beam-wide column joints. Reinforced concrete beam-column joints are commonly used in structures such as parking garages and road overpasses, which might be exposed to extreme weathering conditions and the application of deicing salts. The objective of this research project is to assess the seismic behaviour of concrete beam-column joints reinforced with glass (G) FRP bars and stirrups. In current codes and recommendations for seismic design and evaluation, simple expressions are used typically to design the joint, and a strut-mechanism approach has been adopted to assess the strength. However, prior and ongoing research has shown that joint behaviour is more complicated than implied by these documents and that defining failure by static strength alone is not sufficient to describe performance.