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Bloodpressure and Its Association with Anthro...

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Bloodpressure and Its Association with Anthro...

Bloodpressure and Its Association with Anthropometric Measurement among General Population in Selected Community Setting, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India

Author Name : Gini T. R, Ashika Parveen M. S, Sharmilavathi. A, Avinash. U, Anto Benson B. I, Mrs. Manjula. J

ABSTRACT A Non experimental study was conducted to assess blood pressure and its association with anthropometric measurements among general population, in selected community setting, kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu, India. Non probability purposive sampling technique were used to select the samples. Study revealed that majority of blood pressure distribution were normal is 30%, pre hypertension is 22% and hypertension is 48%.Majority of anthropometric measurement on body mass index were underweight is 17%,normal weight is 49% and over weight is 34%.Majority of hip waist ratio were high risk is 27%, moderate is 48% and low risk is 25%.There is an statistically significant association between blood pressure with body mass index with the ‘t’ value is 9.49 and there is an statistically significant association between blood pressure with hip waist ratio.