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Catalytic Reforming Process on Modified Plati...

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Catalytic Reforming Process on Modified Plati...

Catalytic Reforming Process on Modified Platinic Accelerator

Author Name : Ali Hasan Abdulla

ABSTRACT The products obtained in the process of one-shot transfer, catalytic reforming, gasoline fractions obtained in the process of catalytic cracking and coking are usually used to get marketable high-octane motor gasoline. Aromatic hydrocarbons used in the chemical industry are generally obtained in the process of catalytic reforming of oil fractions. It will be possible to supply the demand on benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons due to oil refining. In the result of gasoline fraction reforming output of benzene, toluene and xylene against oil can be 1.5 – 2% (mass). Fibers of caprone and nylon type, synthetic rubber and plastic material can be obtained on the basis of benzene. Highly resistant polyester fiber of lavsan type can be produced from P-xylene. O-xylene is considered to be a raw material for producing the phthalic anhydride, and isophthalic acid and isophthalic acid based alkyd resins can be produced out of m-xylene. Sterol can be obtained from ethylbenzene. The catalytic reforming unit which is designed to produce motor gasoline components, consists of assembly for hydro-cleaning of directly distilled gasoline fractions boiling within the limits of 85-180oC (0r 105-180 oC) of raw material, reactor block of hydrogen circulated reforming, reforming stabilizer. The reactor block consists of 3 or sometimes 4 consecutively placed reactors, where the mixture gas and raw material is regularly heated, two reactors are parallel placed in some units at the final stage of the process. Reforming accelerator includes platinum and rhenium in the cylindrical from with diameter of 1.2 to 2.8 mm, absorbed in aluminum oxide as active components.