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Cloud Computing and its Usage: Various Outloo...

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Cloud Computing and its Usage: Various Outloo...

Cloud Computing and its Usage: Various Outlooks

Author Name : Sudarshan Roy


We daily observe that the digital industry is changing rapidly. Previously, companies had to manage a large number of computer resources in physical mode. But cloud computing has made all the computing resources available over the internet and not in physical mode at our own premises. Cloud computing has made a huge impact on the data industry as well as daily human lives. In this paper, an attempt has been made to make the learners familiar with the term Cloud Computing. We have also discussed the uses of cloud computing in the modern era. The present study is exploratory in nature for which data have been collected from secondary sources such as books, journals, websites, published and unpublished sources. Cloud Computing means a system of delivering computing resources with the help of the internet to the client against a nominal fee. Cloud services are based on four deployment models such as public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and community cloud. There are three main cloud service models in cloud computing namely SaaS, Paas and IaaS. Cloud computing provides a large number of benefits to the world but one cannot ignore the risk associated with this service for which necessary cautions must be considered. Cloud computing is making human life easier by providing facilities like data storage, data analysis, data backup and archiving, disaster recovery, communication, social networking, app development, audio and video streaming, business processes etc. Thus, this system is playing a vital role in the modern era that is helping industries and also general users in growth.

Keywords: Computing resources, Internet, Cloud computing, Digital industry, Cloud Service Models.