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Comparative study of Handwriting based on ski...

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Comparative study of Handwriting based on ski...

Comparative study of Handwriting based on skill level of Hindi and English medium writers

Author Name : Diksha Tripathi, Dr. Suneet Kumar, Mr. Mukul Kumar

ABSTRACT When comparing handwriting of different medium, the method is used to compare the individual and class characteristics. Handwriting is a visible speech which express by writing with the help of writing instrument on the writing surface. However, it is seen that even the most individual characteristics are found to be similar. The present work focuses on investigating this assumption only by collecting the sample from the writers first language is Hindi. Handwriting is generally learned by watching another person write when you are young, but you later develop your own style of writing, which later expresses your personality. the finding of the authors. The objective of the study was to compare the handwriting between the Hindi medium and English medium students. Samples ratio was equally divided i.e. 50 samples from each category were collected and analyzed.