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Computer System and it’s Components in Educ...

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Computer System and it’s Components in Educ...

Computer System and it’s Components in Education: Various Outlooks

Author Name : Sudarshan Roy


We know that research is to see what everybody has seen and is to think what nobody else has thought. A computer and its hardware along with software together is simply known as computer system. Alternatively, a computer system primarily may be encompassed a central processing unit (CPU), its memory, input devices, output devices along with storage devices. All these mechanisms work as a system or function together as a sole unit to deliver the desired output. Modern-day computer is an important segment of our daily life. Be it school, banks, shops, railway stations, hospitals or our own home. Computers are existing everywhere, making our work the easiest and fastest as they are such essential portions of our lives. The endeavor has attempted tooutline Computer System, Computer Generations, Classification of Computers, Components of Computer, Processor, Main Types of Storages, Magnetic Disk, Input and Output Devices, Emerging Technologies, Computers Software, Classification of Software, Compiler, Interpreters, Programming Languages, Generations of Language, etc.The primary objectives of this study are to make the researcher familiar with the computer system in education, yet the study specifically has tried to make the researcher familiar with the Computer System in education and to discuss various components of Computer Systems.

Keywords: Computer Systems, Components, Input Devices, Output Devices, Computer Software, Computer Languages.