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Concept of Kriyakala in Sthoulya

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Concept of Kriyakala in Sthoulya

Concept of Kriyakala in Sthoulya

Author Name : Dr. Malakiya Chintankumar. G, Dr. Naik Nikita





Obesity is a disease of all age group within the people of high socio-economic status, specifically in of urban communities. WHO declared obesity as global epidemic giving rise to new term Globesity. Obesity is a complex, multi factorial disease with several pathological complications like Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Atherosclerosis, Infertility, Hepatic Steatosis, Endocrine Abnormalities, Obstetric Complications, Osteoarthritis, certain types of Cancers and possibly immunological impairment as well as it hampers the cosmetic value of the affected person. It has deleterious effects both on body and mind. In Ayurveda Obesity can be correlated with Sthoulya under the heading of Medoroga which results due to dysfunction of Meda Dhatvagni (factor responsible for nourishment or metabolism of Meda Dhatu) and is considered as metabolic disorder. Ati-sthulata considered as one among the Astha-Nindita Purusha, caused due to accumulation of Medo Dhatu in excess. Sthoulya is one of the Santarpanottha Vyadhi, it becomes difficult to treat because of the involvement of the Tulya (same) Nidana, Dosha and Dushya.Treatment of Sthoulya is mainly Nidanaparivarjana, Apatarpanachikitsa, Kapha-medahara and Samana & Shodhan Chikitsa. Different treatment modalities can be applied at different stages in manifestation of Sthoulya by physician. To treat a disease with the exact treatment modality and at the right time, it is necessary to know the stages of Shat Kriyakala.Kriyakala mentioned by Acharya Sushruta gives an idea regarding the state of the disease in the body and it guides physician when to intervene or where to intervene. This article will be helpful in understanding the concept of Kriyakala in both prophylactic and curative aspects of a Vyadhi (disease). Shatkriyakala explains the Samprapti of Vyadhi in stages right from the incubation period to the complete manifestation and later consequences of a disease.Kriyakala  provides every chance to halt the disease at each of its stage.The prime factors in the development of a diseases are Dosha and Dushya. With the concept of Kriyakala we will get an idea regarding the nature and involvement of Dosha, Dushya and Srotas in a disease. Shatkriyakala is very essential for early diagnosis, prognosis and for adopting preventive and curative measures.

Key words: Kriyakala, Sthoulya, Obesity, Chikitsa.