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Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Author Name : Mrs. Nisha

ABSTRACT: Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept where by the corporate managers should take some special steps to protect and promote the welfare of society along with achieving its economic goal .Every business action has some socialism plicatons .Business decisions like using capital – intensive technology in place of labour –intensive technology, entry of MNCs in markets of developing nations , diversification of business. Expansion of business, closing of a business branch, shifting business unit from one place to another, laying off employee due to reduction in demand or change in technology .working in night shifts, working in overtime shifts. Outsourcing of business activities etc. All have some social implication .before talking decisions on any issue that has social implications ,corporate managers must consider such implications Moreover , effects of such decisions on employees, customers , investors, public in general ,government etc. Should also be considered.