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Development of 1d and 2d Hydrodynamic Flood M...

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Development of 1d and 2d Hydrodynamic Flood M...

Development of 1d and 2d Hydrodynamic Flood Model Using Mike Software by Dhi

Author Name : Ms.Tina moni Boruah


Floods are common natural disaster occurring in most parts of the word. This results in damage to human life and deterioration of environment. There have been immense uses of technology to mitigate measures of flood disaster i.e. structurally and non-structurally. Undoubtedly, structural measures are very expensive and time consuming which involves physical work like construction of dams, reservoirs, bridges, channel improvement, river diversion and other embankments to keep floods away from people. Where non-structural measures is concerned with planning like flood forecasting and warning, flood plain zoning, relief and rehabilitation for reducing the risk of flood damage to keep people away from floods. Non-structural measures can help decision maker to plan an effective emergency response towards flood disaster. A one of the good way to plan non-structural measures is to analyse impact of flood prone areas. Control and risk management of floods using non-structural measures such as flood forecasting and flood warning, flood hazard mapping and flood risk zoning are quite effective. Of these, preparation of flood hazard maps and flood plain zoning require flood inundation simulation, for which various numerical models are available, for example, one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and 1D-2D coupled models.This paper presents development of 1D and 2D Hydrodynamic flood model was carried out using modelling tool MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 model software from the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). The simulation of MIKE 11 1D modelling was carried out for monsoon months of year 2017 to 2020 as the flooding was severe for this years and MIKE 21 2D model was simulated only for the year 2017. The research analyses are implemented on Ranga Nadi River and its floodplain North Lakhimpur.

Keywords: Hydrodynamic Modelling, MIKE 11, MIKE 21, DHI, Ranga Nadi, North Lakhimpur