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Elastics in Orthodontics and Comparsion of He...

Elastics in Orthodontics and Comparsion of Heavy and Medium Elastics and the Force Degredation at Different Time Intervals

Author Name : Dr Mansi Singh





Introduction: Objective of the study is to compare heavy elastics and medium elastics at specific time intervals and there force degredation value and comparison of four different brands force degradation value at different intervals of time.

Methods: For this study four different brands of elastics are chosen and 10 different size 1/8-inch (2 oz); 1/8-inch (3.5 oz); 3/16-inch (2 oz); 3/16-inch (3.5 oz); 1/4-inch (2 oz); 1/4-inch (3.5 oz); 5/16-inch (2 oz); 5/16-inch (3.5 oz); 3/8-inch (2 oz); and 3/8-inch (3.5 oz). of elastics are chosen randomly for comparison of heavy and medium elastics at different interval of time with force application of 60 gm and the force loss calculated at specific time interval and force degredation value of four brands of elastics . Ten volunteers (aged 17-24 years) were selected for this study who were undergoing orthodontic treatment in there final settling stage.1 way ANOVA and  T –Test were used to identify statistical significance (P \0.05).

Results: Force degradation increases with time, Fifty percent of the force was lost after 3.9 hours for the medium elastics and after 4.9 hours for the heavy elastics. A constant significant force reduction in all elastics at every time intervals (P\0.05, P\0.001). There was greater force loss in the heavy elastics compared with the medium elastics at all time intervals (P\0.001); the rates of force loss, however, were similar. Throughout the first hour, the extension rate of all elastics reduce greatly about 13.16%-18.79%, then the rate of force degradation reduces sharply. The degradation of initial force was about 29.35%-39.94% after 48 hours. The 2.0-oz elastics' extension range shrank less than the 3.5-oz elastics'. Elastics with larger inner diameters dropped more slowly than smaller elastics at the same period and with the same beginning force (P /0.05).

Conclusion: In the first hour, the force value of the orthodontic latex elastics significantly dropped. The force decayed more slowly with increasing inner diameter and decreasing setting force value. In the first 4 to 5 hours, 50% of force depreciation took place. Orthodontic elastics should be adjusted everyday to prevent breakage and to maintain oral cleanliness.

KEY WORDS: Force degradation, elastics, force decay ,force loss, heavy elastics and medium elastics