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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Emotional Socialization and Police Culture

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Emotional Socialization and Police Culture

Emotional Socialization and Police Culture

Author Name : Dr. Supriya Chaturvedi


The upsurgence of day-to-day incidents of brutality, cruelty and violence and the role of police personnel in handling these situations is one among the most important factors for the efficient functioning of not only any society but of nation. It has been widely studied that how the selection, training process of police organizations help its member in the emotional socialization. How they work keeping themselves detached with the emotions of the victims as well as the offenders. This lack of emotional sensitivity may sometimes influence their working whether it may be with respect to providing justice to the victims, dealing with criminals, providing safe and secure system to the people and also their interactions with their officers or subordinates as well as their family members’. This paper is based on some of the incidents shared by members of different hierarchical positions of police organization which reflects on the needfor reviving of the emotional socialization and evolving a kind of culture where there is moreof emotional vent off. It will also highlight upon some of the organizational, administrative and political processes playing role on police functioning and how they lead to more stressful conditions.An attempt has been made to bring intolight some important issues related with how the appropriate regulation and handling of emotions among the police organization will not only help in curbing and controlling the crime but also smooth functioning of any society.

Keywords: Police Organization, Emotional, Socialization, Culture, Regulation.