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Feeding Plate Appliance for an Infant with Cl...

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Feeding Plate Appliance for an Infant with Cl...

Feeding Plate Appliance for an Infant with Cleft Palate: A Case Report

Author Name : Dr. Siddhant Vilas Dandawate, Dr. Sharnabasappa C. Nagaral , Dr. Sumit Deshpande, Dr Lijeena Ann Benji, Dr. Nagaprasad M. Naik


Cleft lip and palate is a congenital deformity that may be associated with various craniofacial problems & anomalies. That affects several systems and functions which includes the facial growth, dentition, speech, hearing and genetic aspects because of the complex mode of inheritance. One of the most important problems with this deformation is difficulties with feeding due to lack of sufficient negative intraoral pressure which prevents regurgitation of food into the nasal cavity. Feeding plate appliance is a favorable feeding option in these infants as it creates a separation between oral and nasal cavities and thus helps in creating a  negative intraoral pressure during suckling. This article represents the Prosthodontic management & fabrication of feeding plate appliance for a 7dayold neonate born with cleft palate.

Keywords: Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Feeding plate appliance, Impression materials