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Fog Assisted System For Comparison Of Machine Learning Algorithms For Dermatitis Classification

Author Name : Nithyananda B Devadiga, Sanath B





Changing environment and food practices are highly damaging health conditions and skin diseases are one of such problems are faced by human beings.So,because of the shortage of dermatologist creates global imbalance between dermatitis patients and dermatologist. Nowadays, biomedical fields highly using machine learning algorithms for the diagnosis of diseases. So, mobile based diagnosis applications are highly required. A solution to overcome the serious effect originated by skin diseases is by frequently monitoring skin healthyness by realtime responses. We therefore propose a fog-based approach for remotely identifying skin diseases. By using fog computing network, the system offers skin image preprocessing, feature extraction and identification of diseases by comparing various machine learning algorithms like ANN,NB,SVM,LDA and CNN.Finally result shows how well various machine learning Algorithms works accurately.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Gateways, Naive Bayes, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Convolutional Neural Networks, Internet - Of - things , Skin disorders, Support Vector Machines, Machine learning.