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Human Impact on rivers: A case of Yamuna Rive...

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Human Impact on rivers: A case of Yamuna Rive...

Human Impact on rivers: A case of Yamuna River in Delhi-NCR

Author Name : Mohd Asim


The present research work has highlighted the human impact on the river systems. There is no area environment in which human have not interfered or modified by agriculture, construction, and mining and in the name of development. Delhi-NCR is one of the most densely populated areas of the world where River Yamuna flows for around 125 km in length. The natural character of River Yamuna has diminished in the study area as a result of ever-increasing urbanization, industrialization and agricultural activity. There is a complete lack of riparian vegetation around the river bank which is very important for river health. The construction of three barrages just within 25 km in Delhi has adversely impacted the natural river functioning. The river channel width has also decreased and meanders have straightened in the study area. There is an urgent need to formulate a sustainable river management plan which will benefit both river and population in the study area.