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Hydro Chemical Analysis of Ground Water Geoch...

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Hydro Chemical Analysis of Ground Water Geoch...

Hydro Chemical Analysis of Ground Water Geochemistry of Dholpur District

Author Name : Kalpana Gupta


The physicochemical characteristics of ground drinking water samples from Dholpur district were analysed to assess the quality of water for suitability for human consumption. Samples were collected in March-April as pre-monsoon season and October in post monsoon season respectively. Samples were analysed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, acidity, TDS etc. using standard methods. The results were compared with World Health Organization standard and Indian standards.

The study was carried to assess the ground water quality and portability for drinking purpose in Dholpur district of Rajasthan. For this approx. 116 samples were collected in both seasons from ground water sources and analysed physicochemical parameters. Data obtained for both pre and post monsoon seasons indicate pH ranges of 6.06–8.61 , temperature 22.6–33.8 °C, dissolved oxygen 1.91-6.97 mg/l, salinity 97.6-2250 mg/l, alkalinity 65-760 mg/l , electrical conductivity 0.234 -3.760 mS/cm, ORP  -34 to 213mV, TDS from 126-2890 mg/L, Fluoride 0.021-1.54 mg/L , chloride 39.98-914.6 mg/L, Nitrate 1.9-102.9 ppm, phosphate 0.003-0.59 mg/L, sulphate 0.49- 166.2 mg/L and total hardness 85-680 mg/L etc.

Overall, the water from most of the locations was found to be safe as drinking water and agriculture purpose.

Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters, potability, ground water and sample