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Identification of Genomic DNA of Diatom Extra...

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Identification of Genomic DNA of Diatom Extra...

Identification of Genomic DNA of Diatom Extracted From the Ganga and Yamuna River of Allahabad

Author Name : Vichar Mishra*, Munish K. Mishra, A.K. Gupta

ABSTRACT: Cadaver recovered from drowning medium or nearby, which is in advance stage of decomposition, to determine the ante and postmortem drowning, majorly morphological examination of diatom test is routinely performed. But during examination and observation it imparts difficulty to Doctors and Scientists to analyze them. Rather morphological examination of diatom for drowning examination, in current scenario many scientists had move one step forward towards Diatom DNA examination from blood, liver, brain and bone marrow of drowned body. For such purpose we required to work on such primers which are very much specific for diatom only. In current research work, water sample collected from three different sites of each river (Ganga and Yamuna), before and after the confluence (Sangam) region of Allahabad. Further they were treated by modified CTAB method for DNA extraction and then amplification of it is carried out by using the specific two different sets of oligonucleotide primers. Both the primers are specifically selected for amplification of genomic DNA of Diatom. The results obtained during this research work suggest that, such primers can also be applied for the detection of diatoms from biological samples of cadaver.