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Impact of Covid-19 on India’s Tourism

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Impact of Covid-19 on India’s Tourism

Impact of Covid-19 on India’s Tourism

Author Name : Dr. B. R. Prasad Reddy


The Corona Virus pandemic has posed a devastating effect on the Indian travel and tourism sector. The economic impact of such pandemic is assessed to be in crores of rupees, particularly when government is suspending all types of visas. According to the CII assessment report, with the spread of the news about the virus from November’2019, there is an exponential increase in the percentage of cancellation and it reached the peak of around 80% in March’2020 in many locations in India. World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who travel to stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. India is the land of numerous understandings and interesting locales. It is a world of magnificent colors and rich cultural locales are its splendid monuments, heritage temples or tombs. The Country's ancient cultural heritage is inextricably connected to its technology determined current survival. The coexistence of a number of religions and cultures, together with an admiration in sparing topography makes it the perfect place for organization of an inclusive vacation. Covid-19 has now become everyday buzzword so the results of the study immense uses in various fields across the world. As the world faces its biggest pandemic in a century, almost all the sectors of the economy are hit and will take a long time to recover. The tourism sector lookout will really depend on how rapid this virus spreads, or how it is contained. If the virus starts subsiding in the third and fourth quarter this year, we can predict that the tourism sector will recover partially in 2021, but will take a long time to recover completely.