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India's Trade Strategy and Export Performance

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India's Trade Strategy and Export Performance

India's Trade Strategy and Export Performance

Author Name : Dr. Javid Ahmad Bhat


The regime of the trade policy of India adopted since the beginning of planning is marked by changes with the change of times to respond to the new challenges posed by the internal and external pressures. Policies and procedures are being continuously amended to provide an export friendly environment, which is a pre-requisite to ensure India’s export competitiveness. This paper presents an overview of India’s trade strategy and export performance. The emphasis is primarily on the liberalization measures which were initiated with the Export-Import (EXIM) Policy announced in April, 1985 and subsequently broadened in 1991. The paper also presents a brief review of India’s foreign trade in respect of its exports, imports, volume of trade, export-import ratio, exports at sector level, GDP, its growth and importance in the national economy.