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Machine Learning Techniques for Remote Sensin...

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Machine Learning Techniques for Remote Sensin...

Machine Learning Techniques for Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Author Name : Swasti Patel, Dr. Priya Swaminarayan





Machine Learning (ML) is capable of learning the patterns and also able to discriminate the features based on the training samples provided to the algorithm. Many such algorithms are available for image processing such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Basiyen Methods, Reinforcement Learning, Genetic Algorithms and much more. In this paper, detailed comparison between each of these techniques is done. Other popular methods are also discussed. A summary about each method, the dataset used for the experimentation, the accuracy parameters and the results are also summarized for better understanding. Also, a brief explanation about image processing and remote sensing is also provided. Lastly, a conclusion is given in two parts: findings from the survey and representation about the inclination towards the methods of the classification are also graphically represented.

Keywords:  Machine Learning, Image Processing, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Feature Classification.