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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Microstructure Evolution of Friction Stir Pro...

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Microstructure Evolution of Friction Stir Pro...

Microstructure Evolution of Friction Stir Processed Alluminium Alloy 6063

Author Name : Vikash, Mr. Rajesh, Mr. Narender Kaushik

ABSTRACT  Friction Stir Welding was developed over 20 years ago for adjoining of alloys that cannot be welded by fusion or other. Friction Stir Processing is a recent growth of Friction Stir Welding. It relies on solid state deformation to improve the surface of working material. FSP helps in eliminating casting defects, refines the microstructure of alloys by improving their mechanical properties and enhance corrosion resistance. In this paper, study of microstructure evolution of AL-6063 is done. Purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of processing parameters on the microstructure and tensile strength of processed alloy formed by the friction stir process. Several good samples of pipes joint were produced using the present experiment setting.