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Modeling and Fabrication of Solar Dryer for C...

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Modeling and Fabrication of Solar Dryer for C...

Modeling and Fabrication of Solar Dryer for Crops

Author Name : N. Sandeep Rajan, Dr G Ramesh, M Bhanuprakash, V Lokesh Kumar, S Thejesh, R Vamsi, Y Jabastin


Energy is classified into two viz. commercial and non-commercial energy sources. All the energy sources from electrically predominantly are classified as commercial energy sources and derived for heating applications with fuel other than oil, coal and gas comes under non-commercial energy sources. India being an agricultural based country, about 50% of the energy demands of the country is being met with non-commercial energy sources. Use of non-commercial energy sources such as heating using bagasse, fire wood, agricultural waste etc. are always associated inefficiencies. The agricultural sector consumes considerable energy towards applications. Drying of fruits and vegetables are one such important application. In a developing country like India, where cold storage facilities are not available in plenty, drying remains the only option of preserving food for consumption. This project deals with fabrication of Solar Dryers, that helps in drying the fruits and vegetables in a very conventional way using solar energy which is abundantly available renewable resource. Drying of fruits and vegetables are mainly done to preserve and store fruits for offseason consumption.

Keywords: hot end, cold end, orifice nozzle, tangential hole.