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Physiological and biochemical effects of wate...

Physiological and biochemical effects of water stress on Oryza sativa

Author Name : Aabha Choudhary

ABSTRACT:  Abiotic stresses, for example, heat stress, water stress and so on changes plant development, digestion and yield. Among them, water stress is a significant one as it happens seriously in major delivering zones of the world. It isn't just because of the shortage of water yet in addition because of different factors, for example, high temperatures and extreme cold that makes plants not ready to assimilate enough water from soil to develop well and this is called physiological water stress that prompts a progression of disarranges in physiological and biochemical procedures. Millets are flexible to extraordinary ecological conditions particularly to lacking water and are wealthy in supplements. The current study is about the physiological and biochemical impacts of water stress on Leaf proline, protein, dissolvable starches, chlorophyll substance of Oryza sativa genotypes water stress conditions. The photosynthetic shades (Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and absolute chlorophyll) diminished and the biochemical segments (Leaf Proline, Protein, Carbohydrates) expanded water stress.