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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Contai...

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Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Contai...

Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Microsillica and Flyash

Author Name : Vinay Kumar, Parveen kumar

ABSTRACT: A self-compacting concrete (SCC) is the one that can be placed in the form and can go through obstructions by its own weight and without the need of vibration. Since its first development in Japan in 1988, SCC has gained wider acceptance in Japan, Europe and USA due to its inherent distinct advantages. The major advantage of this method is that SCC technology offers the opportunity to minimize or eliminate concrete placement problems in difficult conditions. It avoids having to repeat the same kind of quality control test on concrete, which consumes both time and labour. Construction and placing becomes faster & easier. It eliminates the need for vibration & reducing the noise pollution. It improves the filling capacity of highly congested structural members. SCC provides better quality especially in the members having reinforcement congestion or decreasing the permeability and improving durability of concrete. The primary aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of using SCC by examining its basic properties and durability characteristics i.e. water absorption, shrinkage, sorptivity and sulfate resistance. An extensive literature survey was conducted to explore the present state of knowledge on the durability performance of self-consolidating concrete. However, because it usually requires a larger content of binder and chemical admixtures compared to ordinary concrete, its material cost is generally 20–50% higher, which has been a major hindrance to a wider implementation of its use. There is growing evidence that incorporating high volumes of mineral admixtures and microfillers as partial replacement for portl and cement in SCC can make it cost effective. However, the durability of such SCC needs to be proven