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Review Study on Pharmaceutical Oral Medicated...

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Review Study on Pharmaceutical Oral Medicated...

Review Study on Pharmaceutical Oral Medicated Jellies

Author Name : Pradnya D Ghuge, U.G bhamare


The most practical and patient-acceptable method of medicine delivery is oral administration, which is preferred by most patients. But the formulation's unpleasant or bitter taste, difficulty swallowing, and inadequate bioavailability are the key issues with oral drug delivery systems.The production of oral medicated jellies, which dates back to the 20th century, has persisted due to consumer demand. For local or systemic effects, oral medicated jellies are palatable solid dose forms that are administered in the oral cavity and are intended to dissolve in the mouth or pharynx. As pharmaceutical formulations, oral medicated jellies provide several benefit but also some limitations. Children with complete dentition can now readily take jelly candies since they like the taste and chewing ability of the jelly. It has been designed to create such type of pharmaceutical preparations because the majority of patients with dysphagia would choke on the water during the administration of liquid formulations with high viscosity, which should be eliminated. The purpose of this review is to quickly explore its merits, limitations, excipients, gelling agents, preparation process, evaluation criteria, and relevance compared to conventional drug forms. One unique strategy that has recently been developed and seeks to increase safety and efficacy is oral medicated jelly.

Keywords Oral Medicated Jellies, Pediatric Formulation,Oral Route, Dysphagia, Patient Compliance, Jelling Agents