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Scrutinizing India’s Baby Care Market

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Scrutinizing India’s Baby Care Market

Scrutinizing India’s Baby Care Market

Author Name : Shivansh Saxena, Dr. Megha Bhatia


Today parents just not buy the product easily by believing on the advertisement only, they do online research by logging on to product websites, reports by consumers/customer’s, blogs and other offline ways and then make’s decision, but the one which suits him the best according to different traits fits them. Those traits may include increasing level of income, availability of better products or alternates and rising awareness have meaningfully altered the child care products industry landscape.

The virtual and expressed market nexus of baby care retailing both from supply side and demand side owing to sheer vast number of unique products / brands / categories. The retailer mandatorily needs to offer in their stores as part of the product assortment, added with limitation in terms of opportunity available for the store to hold on customers for a longer period of time just because the window is very small, makes it furthermore important for any baby care brick-and-mortar retailer to be more careful and efficient in ensuring adaptation of right Marketing Mix. On the other hand, Virtual or online market need to offer attractive scheme to captivate customers.

Based on India’s 2011 census, United Nation’s (UN) Department of Statistics and Programme Implementation estimates 8.47 percent contribution from age group 0 to 4 years (116.88 Million) to overall Indian population by the year 2020. Due to this humongous numbers the market forecast looks shiny.

Keywords: Customer Perception, Baby Care Market, Market Mania, Competitors