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Significant steps towards modernization and i...

Significant steps towards modernization and innovation of armed forces of India

Author Name : Rajbir Singh

ABSTRACT:  In recent years, headline grabbing increases in the Indian defense budget have raised concerns that ndia’s on-going military modernization threatens to upset the delicate conventional military balance. Such a consequence is taken as avocation for Islamabad's quest for strategic atomic weapons and different activities that have troubling ramifications for vital solidness on the subcontinent. This article looks at the possibilities for Pakistan's customary discouragement in the close to medium term, and infers that it is obviously superior to the cynics affirm. A large group of components, including territory, the great organization of Pakistani powers, and an absence of key amazement in the most probable clash situations, will relieve whatever points of interest India might be increasing through military modernization. In spite of a developing innovative edge in certain zones, Indian policymakers can't be sure that even a constrained retreat to military power would accomplish a fast outcome, which is a fundamental pre-condition for prevention disappointment.