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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Sociocultural, Economic and Ecological Determinants of Reproductive Health of Tribal Women in Kerala

Author Name : Dr. Asha C M

ABSTRACT The ultimate goal of development is to improve the Quality of Life, health and wellbeing for whole countrywide population. To ensure the development of nation, the health of vulnerable and marginalised sections of the society also should improve. Health behaviour is embedded within specific social relations and political and cultural contexts. Reproductive health and reproductive behaviours are shaped and influenced by various aspects in the environment. There is a dare need for a critical social analysis to develop an understanding of the diverse contexts of health among the vulnerable groups of the society for facilitating their development. Kerala State fare remarkably well in human development indicators, but the tribal population is often left out of the development experience. The research paper attempts to identify the socio cultural, economic and ecological determinants of reproductive health of tribal women in Kerala. The key socio cultural, economic and ecological determinants of reproductive health with respect to the different ecosystems such as micro system, meso system, exo system, macro system and chrono system are enlisted. Attention to the social, economic and cultural context of the community is necessary for the success of health programmes and social policies.