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Study on Awareness Level of People towards Ho...

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Study on Awareness Level of People towards Ho...

Study on Awareness Level of People towards Household Water Conservation in Fatehpur District

Author Name : Archana Singh, Aarti Singh, S. Mohapatra, Manju Mahananda


Analysis of the relationships among perceptions, behaviors and awareness level of people An investigation of the relationships among perceptions, behaviors and awareness level of people towards household water conservation in Fatehpur district. Enhancing knowledge both rural and urban people towards household water conservation. Water conservation is critical for economic, social, and cultural reasons. A quarter of the world's population lives in areas of economic water shortage, where bad management makes it difficult for authorities to meet water demand. Water usage efficiency in all of its many applications should be enhanced, and an awareness of water as a finite resource should be developed. Conservation Education, legislation, incentives, and disincentives in many areas should all be used to develop consciousness. A widespread public understanding of the importance of water and its availability, as well as the necessity for conservation, may significantly reduce waste. Losses during water supply must also be avoided by eliminating leakages. According to the study, the majority of respondents were in their forties, belonged to a general caste, were married, had a good educational background, had large and joint families, worked in business, owned a large amount of land, earned an average income. Rural residents are becoming more aware of water-saving methods. The majority of respondents were aware that when purchasing a new washing machine, they should purchase one that is water efficient. Whereas urban area maximum of the respondents was aware on pay more attention to water use". In the household activity of water conservation practices after intervention in rural and urban area majority of the respondents were turn off the water while doing other activities.

Key word;-Awareness, Behavior, Conservation, Consciousness, Utilization, Water