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Tinospora Cordifolia (GILOY) - An Excellent M...

Tinospora Cordifolia (GILOY) - An Excellent Medicinal Plant

Author Name : Shivam M. Sable, Janhavi Burade, Mr. J V Vyas, Dr. V V Paithankar, Dr. A M Wankhede


India has verified itself for its medicative remedies by writing since a long ago which shows that India has huge vegetation that have medicative remedies in them. Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi or Amrita) is one of the most important drugs of Ayurvedic System of Medicine & found in treatment of in numerous classical diseases like jaundice, fever, diabetes, skin, HIV, cancer, etc.This review is based on the computerized search from totally different information by different literatures from 2003-2020. In this review data was collected from different journals, books and also from the internet (Wikipedia, google scholar, PubMed, Elsevier, etc). The data of this article were analysed and compiled.The present review article offers important information for future studies on Tinospora cordifolia. It will be helpful to researcher who is working on this plant will get new insight to continue further information on the same plant.

Keywords- Antidiabetic, Gulvel, Immunomodulatory, Tinospora cardifolia