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Traffic and Road Safety Management in India

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Traffic and Road Safety Management in India

Traffic and Road Safety Management in India

Author Name : Anjali, Dr. V. K. Ahuja

ABSTRACT: Road safety management is a major concern in India. Now a day‟s roads are the highly hazardous environment in India. Road safety management reduces the injuries fatalities and major accidents. For every road the accidents are reported and collect the relevant data about the accidents are reported and review the collected data about the accident should be recorded. Based on the details and reports the implementation of remedial measures also not possible because of less available data. The analysis are made depends upon the record to find out the high risk location, vulnerable road users. The reasons for accident is “Unsafe Conditions or Unsafe Acts” either by the road or by the drivers. This study highlighting the lack of road safety awareness for the public, drivers and the basic concepts for improving the road safety management in India