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Understanding of Pratishyaya W.S.R. To Interm...

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Understanding of Pratishyaya W.S.R. To Interm...

Understanding of Pratishyaya W.S.R. To Intermittent Allergic Rhinitis

Author Name : Elakkiyaselvi V, Prithiviraj Puranik, Nagaratna.S.Jartarghar, Kavya, Chithralekha


Introduction: Pratishyaya is the diseases of Pranavahasrotas, it commonly occurs in the children. It is Tridoshaja Vyadhi, predominantly Vata and Kapha, Pitta, Rakta are associated Dosha. Pratishyaya is the causative condition for all the other diseases of nasal cavity and hence it is explained as the most important diseases among the 31 Nasa Roga. Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disorder of the nasal mucosa; it is caused by environmental allergens such as pet hair, dust, air and viruses, bacteria. Intermittent allergic rhinitis is a type of allergic rhinitis; symptoms are seen less than 4 days per week or less than 4 weeks per year.

Materials and Methods: classical literature, modern medicine and previous works done have been taken as reference.

Discussion: Pratishyaya is initial stage is a curable diseas , but if it leads to chronic it cause other complications. Immunomodulation is nessacary in allergic rhinitis.  

Conclusion: Pratishyaya is a one among the Nasagata roga, is commonly affected in all age groups. Its recurrence is common and if not treated an early stage leads to chronicity. In Ayurveda elaborately explains its preventive and curative aspects.  

KEYWORDS: Pratishyaya, Allergic Rhinitis, Intermittent allergic rhinitis.