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A case study of Salt Industry on the Konkan C...

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A case study of Salt Industry on the Konkan C...

A case study of Salt Industry on the Konkan Coast in the Maratha period

Author Name : Deepika Singh

ABSTRACT The medieval era was an important period because in that period Konkan occupied a very strategic place during the Maratha rule. The ports of Konkan area handled a good amount of trade, local and foreign. When Bombay became the main British entrepot on the west coast, the accession of the ports on the west coast was necessary for the establishment of the British marine supremacy on the sea, so the government of Bombay had to made efforts to extend the area of its settlement on the Konkan coast for secure trade and manufacturing industries of different sorts of commercial commodities. The Konkan coast during the 17th century was a prosperous trading coastal region and it was a growing part of Western India and after that in 18th century it became wide for its developed state sponsored industry and it crafted a good image of Konkan coast. It saw the emergence of new things which were to take a concrete shape in the future.