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A Comparative Study of Mental Toughness Betwe...

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A Comparative Study of Mental Toughness Betwe...

A Comparative Study of Mental Toughness Between Starter and Non Starter Volleyball Players

Author Name : Dr. Gurupreet Singh, Dr. Ramandeep Kaur

ABSTRACT The aim of the present investigation was to compare the mental toughness among starters' (Regular Six) and non starters' (Substitute Six) male volleyball players belonging to Delhi state. For the purpose of the study 68 male subjects (34 starters' and 3 4 non starters') were selected. The age of the subject was in the range of 17 to 25 years. The mental toughness was measured by mental toughness questionnaire developed by Sandeep Tiwari (2006) which has five subscales namely: rebound ability, ability to handle pressure, lack of confidence+ concentration and motivation. The statistical technique employed for analyzing the data were descriptive statistics and 't' test. The level of significance chosen was 0.05. The result of the study indicates that there were significant differences between starters' and nonstarters' male volleyball player. Further, the starters' were found to be better than the nonstarters' volleyball players on the psychological variable of mental toughness and its sub-scales. Keywords: Mental Toughness. Rebound ability, Ability to handle pressure, Lack of confidence, Concentration, Motivation