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A Comparative Study on Color Filter Array Int...

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A Comparative Study on Color Filter Array Int...

A Comparative Study on Color Filter Array Interpolation Methods

Author Name : Sobhiraj N., Jobin Cyriac


This paper provides an overview of the different types of color filter arrays (CFAs) used in digital image sensors, including their underlying technologies, advantages, and disadvantages. The paper also explores current research and future directions for CFA technology. The three main types of CFAs discussed are the Bayer CFA, the RGBW CFA and the X-Trans CFA. The paper also discusses demosaicking algorithms, including bilinear interpolation, gradient-based methods, and adaptive color plane interpolation, which are used to estimate missing color values in CFAs. The paper concludes by highlighting that the choice of demosaicking algorithm depends on the specific requirements of the application.

Keywords – Color Filter Arrays (CFAs); Image demosaicking