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A Comparative Study on Job Satisfaction of Go...

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A Comparative Study on Job Satisfaction of Go...

A Comparative Study on Job Satisfaction of Government Hospitals and Private Hospitals Doctors in Kanyakumari District

Author Name : Dr. D. Kalai Selvi


Job satisfaction plays a major role in determining the organizational effectiveness. Doctors are considered as significant assets of health care system. The scope of their responsibilities is wide as they are responsible for making healthy work force of a nation.Low job satisfaction may increase the rate of attrition. Since a few decades, it is observed that the demand for doctors has increased and expected to continue in the long run. In India there is no match in the ratio of patients and doctors. The numbers of doctors are inadequate compared to the population of India. It is highly essential for all hospitals to ensure job satisfaction among doctors. Efficient doctors help in achieving competitive advantages for hospitals. The main objective of the study is to compare the job satisfaction of private and government hospital doctors in Kanyakumari district. The primary data were collected from 75 private hospital doctors and 75 government hospital doctors with the help of the structured interview schedule by simple random sampling techniques. The main findings of the study is Private Hospital Doctors have slightly better edge (higher the mean value indicate greater the agreement) over Government Hospital Doctors’ perception Overall Job Satisfaction.