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A Comprehensive Analysis and Design Strategie...

A Comprehensive Analysis and Design Strategies of Parking places in Congested areas

Author Name : Pankaj Dahiya

The provision of parking for personal motorised vehicles cannot be considered as a matter of public good. Individual user of personal vehicle should pay for the use of the space for parking. Parking facilities – underground, surface, and multilevel parking – are provided at an enormous cost. This uses up a lot of public money and cheap/free lands from an environmental standpoint that translates to limitless amounts of wasted fuel and carbon emissions. Particularly, but not exclusively, in conurbations and metropolitan areas, constantly increasing traffic volumes are leading to more and more congestion on freeways and expressways. During peak times in particular, this has extremely negative impacts on travel times, traffic safety and traffic-related pollutant emissions.

Keywords: vehicles, design parking, areas, dense, congested.