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A Critical Analysis of Purishdhara Kala as As...

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A Critical Analysis of Purishdhara Kala as As...

A Critical Analysis of Purishdhara Kala as Asthidhara Kala

Author Name : Dr. Neelam Sagwan, Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Sharma, Dr. Deepak Sewada, Dr. Naveen Kumar

ABSTRACT Background: The Adolescent period is often regarded as a time of challenges and difficulties, but it is a phase filled with exciting opportunities for adventure and creativity. Given the inevitability of various psychosocial stressors during this period, it is important to understand the factors that impact this critical period of development.This stage of life is characterized by abundant energy, ample time, and a vibrant desire to explore new experiences. And by harnessing this energy in constructive ways, adolescents have the potential to overcome the stress and anxiety they encounter during this phase.