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A Geographical Study of Tourist Flow at Kuruk...

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A Geographical Study of Tourist Flow at Kuruk...

A Geographical Study of Tourist Flow at Kurukshetra District in Haryana

Author Name : Mohan Lal


Generally Kurukshetra is the holy place for each and every Hindu devotees in all over the world. So every year the flow of tourist rate are seen in differently. Many tourists arrive for worship to Lord Krishana and also some are arrive for to see the scenic beauty for its attractive Geeta Mahotsava, Krishana Museum and also Krishana Temple. Mostly the domestic tourists are arrived from Chandigarh to Kurukshetra and also the foreign tourists are coming mostly from many countires. So in this way to see the previous year before in 2019 the rate of foreign tourists arrival was grow but in 2019 the rate is less in number due to many causes, and here to develop the tourists arrival by the process like, awareness, safety, Covid-19 & security etc. sector respectively.

Keywords: Tourist, Domestic, Foreign, Flow, Awareness .