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A Modified Exponential Ratio-Product Type Est...

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A Modified Exponential Ratio-Product Type Est...

A Modified Exponential Ratio-Product Type Estimators in Simple Random Sampling

Author Name : Sumiti Sharma, Sangeeta Malik


The present study was taken in consideration to propose the exponential form of ratio estimator and product estimator with β power under simple random sampling using auxiliary variable for enhancing the efficiencies of the estimators. The simple random sampling auxiliary information of the variables used to increase precision of the estimators by correlation between two variables that is y and x. When the relationship between two is positive, then the ratio estimator gives efficient result and if the relationship is negative then product estimator performs better. The properties associated with the proposed estimators ( are assessed by biased theorem. It is observed that the proposed class of estimators perform better as compared to the existing estimators. Theoretical study have been analysed through the numerical study. It has been shown through the numerical study that proposed estimators perform better than other competing estimators which make use of auxiliary information. The performance of proposed estimators have also been evaluated empirically.

Keywords: Bias, Mean squared error, Exponential ratio type estimator, Exponential product type estimator, Finite population, simple random sampling.