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A Modified Risdon Approach to the Bilateral S...

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A Modified Risdon Approach to the Bilateral S...

A Modified Risdon Approach to the Bilateral Subsigmoid Osteotomy; A Clinical Study.

Author Name : Bashar A. Tawfeeq,RawaaYounus Al-Rawee, Bassam F. Yaseen

ABSTRACT Objectives: to improve accessibility to the surgical field and manipulation of Subsigmoid Osteotomyorthognathicsurgery.

Materials and Methods: 32 patients operated forBilateral Subsigmoid Osteotomy via extra-oral approach, the surgical tunnel stretched with a two Langenbeck retractors through 44 modified Risdon incisions.

Results: the time elapsed for an individual operation decreased in comparison with classical approach and with reduction of marginal mandibular nerve damage.

Discussion: the outcome related to duration of operation and satisfaction of the operator is improved clinically following the use modifiedRisdon extra-oral approach through the soft tissue tunnel.

Keywords: Langenbeck Retractor, Modification, Orthognathic Surgery, Risdon Incision.