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A Nutritional and Health Importance of Avena ...

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A Nutritional and Health Importance of Avena ...

A Nutritional and Health Importance of Avena Sativa

Author Name : Ms. Bansode Bhakti Ravindra, Ms. Nehe Rutuja Balasaheb, Mr. Gosavi Sarthak Abhay, Mr. Shinde Shubham Bhagunath

ABSTRACT Oats, a member of the Poaceae family, are primarily grown for human consumption (30%) and as animal feed (70%). Oats may have originated around 2000 BC, and the genus Avena includes wild, weedy, and cultivated species. The most widely grown oat cultivar is Avena sativa, known for its high protein and essential amino acids. Oats have a higher fat content than most cereals, with a significant level of unsaturated fats. Oats are rich in β-glucan, vital for their nutritional value. Avenanthramides, antioxidants found in oats, are beneficial for health and have properties such as anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory effects. Oats are commonly used in breakfast dishes and baking, with innovative oat-based products also available. They have been linked to health benefits, such as reducing the risk of obesity, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Oat foods containing β-glucan have been approved for lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. Additionally, oats contain bioactive ingredients like AVAs, which help prevent damage to LDL cholesterol